The only way to fly
Art will feed itself. This is my personal motto. I have a few aims, codes of conduct and guiding principals. They are, for the most part, free flowing and changeable. But they do revolve around one central premise: to live by my creative endeavour.
I describe myself as a life-long creative. Quite often when I say this people ask, creative what. But what I simply mean is that I like to live by creative endeavours.
This doesn't mean art for art sake - although I have lived that lifestyle. But having lived it I know it isn't sustainable. Each time I've done this I'm soon run into debt, which meant I could no longer pursue my passion, It's also meant that I have been in danger on many occasions of losing my home and belongings. But worst than that it's meant that in order to keep a roof over my head I've had to take money jobs which have had nothing to do with the life I'd like to live. Not good.
So to where I am now, where I have a new set of circumstances, new opportunities and new challenges. Non-creative matters have been laid aside and the fully art sustained life takes shape. This for a creative individual is the only way to live.
In : Personal