Art will feed itself

Life-long creative. I have one goal in life and that is to live from my creative endeavours. That's what my motto 'Art will feed itself' means.

Storytellling at Tate Modern - Tateshots - Valentine Special

Posted by Norman Bailey on Wednesday, August 5, 2015 Under: Storytelling

I love Art and I love storytelling.  So it was nice to get the opportunity to combine my two passions in one project.

Enjoy this Tate Modern Tatestots valentine special.

“ Man Ray originally created The Lovers (1933) in the aftermath of his passionate and sometimes volatile relationship with the beautiful American photographer and model Lee Miller. The lips painted onto the lead piece are said to be those of Lee, and the artwork is considered evidence of his continued longing for Lee after they parted. To celebrate Valentine’s Day we invited couples into the gallery to contemplate the work, the lovers’ relationship and how art can inspire, ignite and torment.” (Tate Modern, Feb 12 2015)

May Ray is primarily known for his solarised photographic work, but he always considered his paintings and sculptures to be his main passion.  It was during his intense and tormented relationship with Miller that Man Ray's distinctive and groundbreaking photographic style emerged.  More about that in the film.

Ray and Miller mercurial relationship resulted in some of the most powerful works of each artist’s career, and helped shape the course of modern art. Devastated by their breakup in 1932 Man Ray went on to create some of his  most famous works of art, including, Indestructible Object and Observatory Time: The Lovers.

The Lovers on display at Tate Modern is a 1973 replica,  the original having disappeared shortly after its first showing in Paris.

In : Storytelling 

Tags: "tate" "man ray"