Rainbow Room is a Seven Winds CIC project
Norman is the Artistic Director for Seven Winds
Seven Winds brings together a diverse network of creative thinkers, knowledge workers, teachers, and community leaders. Seven Winds creative programmes are focal points for change in aspirations and skills, which equip young people with the tools they need to live happy, fulfilling lives and enable them to make a positive contribution to their community.
The Conway Storyteller ‘virtual talking library’ event
"Layers of London at the Conway Library" features five Conway Storytellers, sharing stories of social, cultural, and political history, personal memories, and creative and verbatim-inspired tales about London. Storytellers for this event were: Norman Bailey, Dana Moreno, Gill Stoker, Francesca Vine, and Dora Williams.
The Return is an immersive storytelling experience. It combines traditional Afro-Caribbean storytelling with digital media. The Return tells the story of a leader's quest for wisdom.
Lando tricks King Harthumn into going on a quest for wisdom. Harthumn’s odyssey takes him into the darkest regions of his soul and psyche. It also leaves a power vacuum, which plunges the kingdom into civil war. Lando is the only person who can restore order. The question is, does he want to do so?
Norman Bailey